Go to an icecream stand for breakfast, and order every flavour on the menu. Get bellyaches from eating too much icecream. Report back to the icecream lady on what each of our favourite flavours were.
Go to the Courthouse markets. Give the girls $5 spending money, and visit each stall twice while they try to decide what they are going to buy.
Drink coconut juice straight out of the coconut, and suck honey straight from the honeycomb.
Go driving on the tidal flats, trying to find a back way to Crab Creek. Turn back when you realise how quickly the tide is coming in, and you begin to have thoughts of cars floating off into the ocean.
Go out to the Organic Cafe at Twelve Mile for a lovely relaxed (delicious) lunch instead.
Have one last play at the water playground, and get thoroughly drenched.
Come home for dinner (takeaway), last minute packing, a few final beverages, and an early night.
Only a few more days left of our holiday, then our attention will turn to moving house. We are so excited about the direction life is taking us in, and feel so blessed to have been able to enjoy this precious family time together before things get too chaotic.
Safe trip home Nic and family x