Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Ongoing To-Do List

There is always much to do around here. It can feel like as you tick one item off 'the list', three more jobs pop up. Whether it be housework, keeping lunchboxes filled, garden maintenance or keeping up with the work that animals create, it can be difficult to stay on top of things. I often tell Nath that I can only be awesome at three things at once, and I am definitely looking forward to having him around more!

Some of the things on my list currently are.....

Mucking out chicken pens, and putting the old straw etc onto our compost heap. This weekend we are also doing another cull of our young roosters and old chooks and moving all the other chickens into the one pen up the back. The driveway pen will be dismantled so we can build an enclosure for our goats.

Sewing up a flannelette doona cover for our bed using vintage single bed sheets that my mum gave me, cut into patches. I have finished making winter doona covers for the girls - simply by sewing single bed flat flannelette sheets together.

Finishing (I hope) the curtains for the kids' room. The curtains they have in there currently are a wee bit short and let too much cold air in through the gap. Poor Eden sleeps under the window where the draught is.

Filling up the freezer with bulk-cooked lunchbox goodies.

Weeding some more of the garden.

I'm coming to an acceptance, even a love, of winter clover. It can stay.

Bottling kombucha and making yoghurt.

My kombucha 'mother' is reproducing!

Enjoying the cooler weather! While it is nowhere near as cool as it is going to get, I have been getting into the swing of autumn with blankets in every room, apple with cinnamon sticks and cloves simmering away on the stove, chicken and puy lentil pies for dinner last night, and wearing my slippers around the house! I do think the cooler months are fast becoming my favourite time of the year.

Getting out for a bike ride. (Brannen and I - mostly me, he enjoyed the ride from the back of my bike - rode 12km of hills today to a friend's house and back. The fifteen extra kilos that Brannen provides presents a fairly hefty challenge in getting up and over those hills!)

And, sigh, tackling the ever-growing pile of washing.

What have you and yours been up to?


  1. sounds like you guys have been very productive! those curtains look lovely, i am sure the girls will love them :) and dont get me started on those lunch box goodies- delish!!! i am loving the cooler change in the weather, although have found i only have 1 pair of jeans and 1 jacket that fit over the baby bump, lol.

    1. How far along are you now? This is number three isn't it? Congrats!!! I actually had a whole bunch of your old maternity clothes (passed to me by C) when I was pregnant with Branny, but I opshopped them long ago.... sorry!!

    2. 37ish weeks :) and number 3. lol, i have passed most of my 'smaller' maternity stuff to Colleen (though it probably came from her stash anyway), and just have the whale size ones on high rotation. x

  2. I know how you feel about never having enough enough time to get through everything! and being ok with that is often the hardest part!!!! love your post, and Brannen on the bike must be seriously cute! I love riding with little miss xx


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